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Balsall Common

Primary School

Pursuing excellence for all

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Home Learning

Home Learning

As a school, we recognise that learning is not limited to the classroom and actively encourage children to be inquisitive all the time. Learning away from the classroom is an opportunity to apply knowledge, learn in a different way and from other people, or independently.


Our approach to homework follows on from this. Our learning at home is to support the taught curriculum but is designed to be engaging and gives parents and family members a chance to be involved too. There are tasks set that support numeracy and literacy development, including reading, through the child’s journey through the school. These are enhanced by the opportunity to complete learning projects linked to the curriculum. These are brought into school and celebrated and shared. Some result in physical artefacts being made and others will be presented digitally. All are valued.


If homework is causing any challenges, we encourage parents to speak to the class teacher quickly in order that we can work in close partnership to support this to be a positive experience.
