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Draft RSE Policy Consultation

Central Schools Trust Draft Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) Policy Parent Consultation


From September 2020, there have been changes to the statutory guidance around the way in which schools must teach children about Relationships and Sex Education (RSE).


To support the teaching of RSE at Balsall Common Primary Academy, we have drafted a new policy document that outlines how and at what stage of school these lessons will take place. It also outlines the parents' rights to withdraw a child from the non-statutory aspects of this subject.


We are now looking to consult with parents to gather your views with regards to this policy. The link below will take you to a short consultation survey with regards to the policy. This will be available until Monday 4th January 2021.


Also below is a draft copy of the Central Schools Trust  Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) Policy, a copy of the letter sent out to parents with regards to the consultation period and guidance for parents and carers about the changes that have taken place. 
