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Balsall Common

Primary School

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Ofsted and Performance Data

OFSTED Report February 2014

Overall effectiveness of the school

Grade: 1

The school was inspected during the first week back after the February half term 2014. There were four inspectors on site who conducted observations of lessons, looked closely at work in children’s books, analysed school documentation, including governor minutes, performance management information and pupil progress data, and met with pupils, school leaders and governors.


The school was inspected under the OFSTED Framework that was introduced in September 2012. It was more rigorous than the previous one. In fact, 30% of schools inspected under this new framework received a judgement which was lower than their previous inspection outcome. The Framework changed again for September 2019, placing a greater focus on the curriculum and recognising that teaching to the test narrows children’s breadth of learning.


I am, however, delighted to say that this school was awarded an Outstanding in every area in this inspection. Here are some quotes from the report.


  • Achievement was graded Outstanding because, ‘….most pupils make rapid and sustained progress as they move through the school in reading, writing and mathematics’.
  • Teaching was graded as Outstanding because, ‘….the senior leaders and teachers have high expectations of all pupils whatever their age or background’.
  • Behaviour was graded as Outstanding because, ‘Their excellent attitudes to learning have a significant impact on the high standards achieved across the school.’
  • Leadership and Management was graded as Outstanding because, ‘Leaders at all levels have clearly defined roles and responsibilities and carry out their duties rigorously.’


We are, of course, delighted with the outcome of that inspection. However, we do not intend to ‘rest on our laurels’. There is still much work to be done.


We are currently waiting for our next inspection and look forward to seeing the recognition of all the schools’ achievements being captured once again. 


The official report from 2014 is available below.

Ofsted School Inspection Reports
