Balsall Common Primary School PTA
Parent Teacher Association’s (PTA) bring staff and families together with a common goal: To make our children’s time at primary school as rewarding as possible.
The PTA aim is to raise additional funds for the school to pay for the enhancement of our children’s education. It achieves this by providing and assisting in the provision of facilities for education at the school which is not provided for by the Local Education Authority.
All parents and guardians of children attending the school, as well as teachers and governors, are automatically members of Balsall Common Primary School PTA and we could not achieve what we do without everyone’s support. At BCPS PTA we welcome everyone to attend meetings, to help make decisions about fundraising and spending. Please don’t be shy, we would love to see you there.
Buy a Brick and Create a lasting memory of your child’s primary school time
The personalised brick display could see your name or it could be your child, grandchild’s or any other name or even a message that will form a lasting testament to those who either are attending or have attended plus supported the school over the years that will permanently be displayed on the outside wall of the swimming pool – all for £25.
To order YOUR personalised brick, please download the form below, complete your order form and return to:
What BCPS PTA does…
The PTA runs a number of events throughout the year, some larger than others. Currently there are only 21 regular members of the PTA who take on all the organising roles and we are struggling to run all the events.
Tea-and-chit-chat: We offer 2 sessions for the reception parents on the first day of school where new parents will friend friendly faces and allow parents to talk with a drink and cake, whilst getting updates from the headmaster about how the children are settling in.
PTA Quiz Night: Held in October it is a nice way to meet parents and have a laugh.
Christmas cards: Although it always seems early in October to be designing the cards, this allows parents to purchase their children’s wonderful Christmas card designs and helps raise money for the School.
Christmas Fayre: We like to get the kids into the Christmas spirit with lots of funs games at the annual Christmas Fayre.
The PTA Brochure: Local business kindly advertise in our biannual brochures and they are delivered to all the houses in Balsall Common.
School Discos: We hold 3 discos a year for the children because they love it! We purchased new disco lights in 2019 and the kids love them.
Annual PTA Ball: First held in 2016 the Ball has become a very popular event with over 300 people attending. Each year has its own theme and offers a 3 course meal with live music and a great auction. Tables sell fast, with the early-bird offer!
The Summer Gala: A fun day for all the kids. There are lots of games to be played, football competition, rides and Mr Burgess always runs the BBQ.
Second-hand uniform sale: These are held in the school playgrounds periodically throughout the year.
We are always looking for new fundraising ideas and opportunities so please get in touch with any ideas.
The PTA then allocates the money to enrich the children’s education, this includes:
- Providing each year group with £300 annually to spend on year group requests materials for enrichment days, arts/craft materials etc
- New reading books
- Glue sticks!! (The school gets through 1000’s a years)
- iPads for nursery
- New playground equipment and markings
- Subsidising the Christmas Panto trip for the entire school
And help the school
- Provide the drinks and cakes for the new reception parents tea and chitchat session
- Pay for the school minibus lease each year
- Provide the cakes for the nursery children’s graduation celebration
- Donated £10,000 towards the swimming pool renovation
Become a part of fundraising for your child’s education! For more information please email